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TR- Tomamu March 30th 2014

After winning some tickets from Snowjapan (and getting a re-up from unclaimed tickets!! domo!), me and some mates piled into a car and headed east from Sapporo to Tomamu. With the weather the way it has been recently we certainly weren't expecting to find any blower powder conditions, we were dead set ready for some spring slush! Unfortunately, nobody thought to tell Tomamu!! The recent conditions in the Sapporo region has been warm and sunny, resulting in some ace soft, wet, slush-puppy like slopes and I expect the same has been true for Tomamu. However yesterday the freeze-thaw cycle was interrupted by the appearance of low temps and very light snow…….this meant one thing……bulletproof slopes! The slush of the previous day had frozen overnight and without the sun, it had set hard for the entire day. It was like trying to ride a giant ice-cube! So its a little unfair to judge Tomamu on this occasion and looking at the fairly consistent pitch of the treed areas, when the snow is fresh, this place would be top notch! Some really nice spaced trees on some interesting looking slopes would make excellent pow turns!

We basically spent the day lapping the pipe and the kickers in the park….

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Ben getting some good air off a kicker…...
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Alex getting not so much air…….
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I had taken a fair few more pics of the resort, including the lovely towers that blend in so well to the mountains, BUT I'm having problems with my iPhone and when I went to fix it, I found that instead of fixing the problem, it decided to delete a huge chuck of my photo library!! So muchos apologisos about there being so few of the mountain.

After a particularly long lunch, we headed out again to try a few of the other slopes but they weren't any better. That horrible ice-scraping noise that accompanied us everywhere put a real dampener on our spirits and we decided to call it a day pretty early in the afternoon. At the base station of the gondola, Tokachi wine had an outdoor stall and BBQ, so we plonked ourselves down there and had a few apres wines

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But thanks again to Tomamu and Snowjapan for providing us with tickets, it was still nice to be out n about in the mountains for a day. When the snow is on, this place would be great……low crowds and some good looking tree runs. Hopefully next season I can come back and experience it for real.

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